NICA Trail Day
Thursday, April 17
Babcock County Park
McFarland, Wisconsin
NICA Youth ages 12-18 are invited to attend the
International Trails Summit’s
Offsite Day and Dirt Demonstration
Cost: FREE
NICA Trail Day Activities
Personalized tour and opportunities to try out the latest trailbuilding equipment
like mini excavators, trail dozers, mini skid steers, etc.Meet trail professionals from all over the world
Learn about a career in trails
Learn MTB trail construction and maintenance best practices from industry experts
Learn strategies on how to advance new or better trails in your community
Learn about trail design and how to use the #1 tool of all trail designers - the clinometer!
Explore the trail product vendors and enjoy food truck fare!
Registration Details:
Parent/Guardian permission required and one adult may attend with each athlete but NICA staff will also be on hand to provide supervision.
Signed liability waiver from a parent/guardian required (through registration)
Bring your own lunch or purchase lunch from the on-site food trucks
Photo: FlowRide Concepts