Summit Rates

DECEMBER 1, 2024

Early Bird Rate: $525
10% additional discount for members
50% additional discount for students
10% early bird discount for Sponsors + Exhibitors

Scholarship information below

Timeline + Discounts: The early registration deadline is December 1 and late registration rates start March 15. Additional discounts offered for members, presenters, students, and retired for regular and late registration rates.

Meals included in registration: breakfast and lunch Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, as well as appetizers on Tuesday night and morning and afternoon breaks.

Field Trips and Technical Training Workshops: rates will be added by mid-December once finalized. These opportunities are optional and available for an additional fee with limited capacity. These can be added to a registration after you register or at the same time.

Cancellation Policy

REGISTRATIONS: Cancellations for registration and pre-reserved functions and activities must be in writing and postmarked/emailed by March 14, 2025. All written cancellations are subject to a $50 processing fee. No refunds will be issued on requests postmarked/emailed after March 14, 2025. If minimum attendance numbers are not met, the Summit organizers reserve the right to cancel any activity. If applicable, a full refund will be issued. Refunds will be issued within 30 days after the Summit. 

WORKSHOPS: Cancellations for workshops/pre-reserved functions and activities must be in writing and postmarked/emailed by March 14, 2025. All written cancellations are subject to a $50 processing fee (only applicable to workshops of $100 or more). No refunds will be issued on requests postmarked/emailed after March 14, 2025. If minimum attendance numbers are not met, the Summit organizers   reserve the right to cancel any activity. If applicable, a full refund will be issued. Refunds will be issued within 30 days after the Summit.

SPONSOR AND EXHIBITOR CANCELLATION POLICY: Cancellation of space will result in the loss of monies. In the event that the exposition is not held for any reason beyond the control of Show Management, the rental and lease of space to the Exhibitor shall be cancelled and all monies received by Show Management shall be returned to the Exhibitor less all legitimate expenses incurred for advertising and promotion. Return of such monies will terminate the liability of Show Management. See the cancellation timetable below for policies involving partial credit for cancellations.

Cancellation Timetable: Percentage Refunded

181+ days: $50 processing fee
121-180 days: 75%
91-120 days: 50%
31-90 days: 25%
30 days or less: 0%


American Trails and the Professional TrailBuilders Association are proud to offer Emerging Trail Leaders (ETL) Scholarships to worthy recipients, both domestic and international.

Scholarships include a free registration and a $500 stipend to use for travel or workshops. Scholarship recipients are expected to volunteer to help with onsite conference logistics (minimum of 4 hours).

Our goal is to create an inclusive environment and to break down barriers for attendance. As such we strongly encourage Black, Indigenous, all Peoples of Color, members of 2SLGBTQ+ communities, and women to apply. There is no age limit to apply.

Scholarships will be provided first come, first served with the initial reviews starting November 1. Following that date, applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis as funds become available.

View the Scholarship Announcement prior to submitting an application to view complete details.

Sponsor a Scholarship

Sponsoring a scholarship helps to foster and promote equitable access to the International Trails Summit by breaking down financial barriers. Each sponsorship of $500 will assist with travel for one scholarship recipient and a $1,000 donation will assist with both travel and a full registration. Anyone is welcome to provide one or more scholarships!

A scholarship can be purchased via our donation portal or can be added when you register for the Summit.