Date: Friday, April 18
Cost: $250
Level: Applicable to all levels
Maximum: 15 students
Field Site: Madison area trail TBD
8:30 - 12:30 pm field session
This 1/2 day post-conference workshop features on the trail education focused on the basics of trail assessment including erosion and user-created problems. The workshop will include reading grades with a clinometer and applying an understanding of slope and trail grade to trail assessment. The group will identify and discuss the right and wrong segments of trail as well as possible solutions to perceived problems. Discussion will include strategies for water management, user management, and re-routes.
Learning Objectives
Reading trail and landscape grades and understanding relationship between those grades, water movement, and trail durability.
Understanding the causes and symptoms of sustainability challenges related to trail use, maintenance, and management.
Understanding nuances of sustainable trail design
Evaluate solutions to trail problems
Mike Riter, Trail Design Specialists, PTBA Member Company
Mike is the president of Trail Design Specialists, a full service trail company focusing on trail design, construction and maintenance as well as planning, consulting and creative problem solving. Additionally Mike has provided education courses to more than 1500 people including the Trail Master certification, Trail Assessment and Mechanized Trail Construction. Before founding Trail Design Specialists in 1999, Mike was a founding member of the Subaru/IMBA Trail Care Crew, an education and stewardship program built upon his knowledge, experience and understanding of sustainable trail design, construction and maintenance.